RAKUB Admit Card 2021 Exam Result – Teletalk Com BD

Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank RAKUB Job Circular has been published. Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank Job Circular was published on their website rakub.org.bd and national dailies. Admit Card Download, Seat plan and Exam Result information mentioned on the Recruitment Circular. Application can be made through Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank Online and SMS based Recruitment System. Recruitment website is rakub.teletalk.com.bd. The application will begin on 1 November 2020. The application will end on 20 November 2020 at 5pm. Job Circular has been published for 6 categories. Total posts are 316.

Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank Job Circular 2021

Only permanent citizens of Bangladesh can apply. Applicants age within 18 to 30 years as on 25 March 2020. But for the freedom fighter quota age 32 years. The last quote policy will be followed in the quota. It has been mention on details circular, which district candidates can apply for which position(s).


Only eligible interested people can apply. The eligibility details are available for each post in the detailed notice. The post-based detailed eligibility is mentioned below.

Application method:

  • The people who are interested to participate in the examination will be able to fill the application through the http://rakub.teletalk.com.bd website. The application can be made on 1 November 2020, 10 am to 20 November 2020, 5.00 pm.
  • The candidate must fill the online form by selecting the post you she/he wants to apply for. All information in the online form must be accurate and complete.
  • In the online application, the candidate will upload his/her color picture (length 300 pixels and width 300 pixels) by scan scheduled location. The candidate will scan his/her signature and upload it at the scheduled place. Signature size is (length 300 pixels and 80 pixels wide). Photo file size is maximum 100 kb and signature file size is maximum 60 kb. Photos and signatures will be uploaded in JPG format.
  • Since the information that is filled in the online application will be used in all the activities, the candidates will be assured 100% of the accuracy of the information they have made before submitting the application online.
  • If all information is correct then the candidate will submit his/her application and download the application copy.
  • Candidates will save a color print copy of applicants copy as a part of any of the requirements of examination.

Application Fees payment:

After completing the application online and submitting the application, you will receive an applicant copy with the candidate’s photo, signature and other information. The application copy contains a user ID. Using this user ID, candidates will have to pay Tk —- for the post No 1, Tk —- for the posts of 2 and Tk —– for the post of 3 by two SMS. The application fee can be paid only through Teletalk prepaid mobile phones.

First SMS:

RAKUB <space> User ID and Send this SMS to 16222 Number.

Example: RAKUB Q123467P and Send to 16222.

After sending the first message, it will be reply like- “Applicant’s Name, Tk- …. will be charged as application fee. Your PIN is 12345678. To pay fee Type RAKUB<Space>Yes<Space>PIN and send to 16222.”

The candidate will have to send second SMS using the PIN number from there.

Second SMS:

RAKUB <space> YES <space> PIN and Send this SMS to 16222 Number.

Example: RAKUB YES 123456 and Send to 16222.

After sending the second SMS, a message will be sent to the candidate with his/her user ID and password. The Replay Message will be like this –“Congratulations Applicant’s Name, payment completed successfully for RAKUB Application for post xxxxxxxxx User ID is (ABCDEF) and Password (XXXXXXXX).”

This user ID and Password will be required in Future to download the Admit Card. For Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank RAKUB Admit Card Download, Exam Result, Seat Plan and Others Information, follow the option below.

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RAKUB Admit Card Download 2021

Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank Admit Card download information will be notified the applicant through rakub.org.bd website and the candidate’s mobile phone via SMS. Only eligible candidates will be notified via SMS and they can download the Admit Card. All the related inquiries regarding examination will be completed on the mobile phone number provided by the candidate in online application.

Using the User ID and Password sent to the SMS, the candidate will download the admit card with roll number, post name, photo, examination date, time and exam center/venue name etc. To Download Admit Card, login to rakub.teletalk.com.bd. The admit card will be color printed. Candidates will display admit card at the time of participating in the written examination and at the viva voce if he/she qualified.

User ID Recovery

If the candidate lost the user ID, he/she would be able to recover from the rakub.teletalk.com.bd website’s “Recovery User ID” menu. In addition, user ID can be recovered by sending an SMS.

Password Recovery

If the password is lost, the candidate can recover it from the password recovery option of the rakub.teletalk.com.bd website using the user id and given mobile number. Password can be recovered even by sending mobile messages. SMS rules are- RAKUB<space>help<space>User<space>User ID & Send to 16222. Example: RAKUB Help User ABCDEF & send to 16222

Applicant’s Copy download

If the applicant’s applicants copy has to be downloaded again for any reason, then he/she can download it from the rakub.teletalk.com.bd website’s application copy download option. Users can login with user ID and password and download the application copy again.

RAKUB Seat Plan 2021

Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank Exam Schedule will be published on the website rakub.org.bd for the written and Viva-voce. No allowance or TA/DA will be provided for participation in written and oral examination. Candidates will be selected through the selection examinations. The detailed seat plan will be published on website rakub.org.bd and national dailies before a few days of the test.

RAKUB Exam Result 2021

Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank MCQ, Written and Viva-voce/Practical Exam Result will be published on rakub.org.bd website. Besides, the results will be published in different national dailies. The Next Procedure and Next Exam Schedule, Seat plan will be published along with Exam result will also be published.

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